I got me a laser cutter. No plan, just had an itch, you know?
I’m going to start writing up all my experiments, good practice to reguarly publish something.
Sunday Lunch?
So I have a tiny flat and it’s full of half-finished projects. When the kids are with me, I try to keep the kitchen table for food and board games. But on the weekends that they are at their mums, it’s my makerspace. I know what I’m having for lunch, there is just no space at the moment for lunch;… Read more →
When even is Easter?
It’s been a REALLY weird year. Christmas is a fixed point, however odd it was last year, but Easter is really driven by the school holidays. But there is no school, so I have an impending sence that there is another holiday coming, but it will pass like all of those in the last 12 months, with a squeak not… Read more →
My Dark Heart.
A lifetime ago, I last saw the girl who first broke my heart on valentines day. She gave me a packet of sweet watches – a bit of a jab about timekeeping. By the time I was smarting from my second broken heart, I had me a 3D printer and the unfinished first project that I was never happy with… Read more →
As a single Dad, I have a suport bubble with friends over the road. So I took Bertha over to them saturday. Simon had said something about wanting to engrave a chopping board. When I got there, there was a different plan. A scavenged table was to become a chessboard. Their young son had just started playing chess. Having spent… Read more →
Hello World.
I finally did it and got a cheapish Laser Cutter from Banggood. I read lots of the comments and everyone said it was amazing. It came in the week, but I was a very good boy and didn’t get distracted from work. So this weekend, I cracked it open and built it. It’s a steep learning curve, I hate it… Read more →